Landy On A Desert Dune Tour
As we are making our way to Kanaan Desert Retreat Lodge to meet our clients from all the way from Switzerland for their 6 days Desert Dune Tour we notice a classic dark green left hand drive Land Rover with a silver box on the back of it. It’s our clients Christian and his nephew with their landy. Christian is very fond of his self-build camper Land Rover and is shipping the landy all over the world to join him on his next chosen destination together. They together travelled over 36 African Countries. Africa has become his second home over the years. Christian is familiar with dune driving as he and his landy explored the Sahara Desert in the past. Now the landy was put on the test for the Namib Naukluft Park terrains. They have enjoyed every part of their tour and we enjoyed watching Christian turning the silver box on the back of the landy into a tiny hotel. We are privilege to have taken Christian and his landy on a tour with us and we wish them all the best for their next expedition together.